5G should really be called microwave radiation because that is what it is!

5G (5th Generation)

Radio frequency is considered 5G from 1GHz to 300GHz, so what we have at present in New Zealand would be considered low/mid range 5G.

5G higher than what we have at present in NZ, means transmitting in the millimeter wavelengths (28GHz and higher) means the towers need to be closer together as it cannot travel as far, so the 5G towers need to be every 200 - 400 meters. 5G is a 16 degree beam, but it has trouble going through trees and infrastructure so in some countries tress are being cut down in order to provide 5G. Previous generations of radio frequency have just been blasted through the air a bit like a shotgun blast but 5G is a bit like a sniper bullet in comparison.

Here in New Zealand the highest frequency at present on the Spark network is 2.4GHz and 3.7GHZ on the Vodafone network, but these frequencies will only get higher and higher and with more energy. The scary thing is that this will operate as well as the existing 3G and 4G networks.

5G has not been properly studied for biological harm, and many scientists and medical people throughout the world think the 5G deployment should be halted immediately and as such should not be released until further research has been carried out and established no harmful effects to the people, but also to animals, insects, birds and the natural world. The whole world is being used as a guinea pig with the true effects possibly not known for many years.

Studies showing harm with exposure to 5G