Reducing EMF while pregnant

  • Do not use a laptop on your lap, your baby will be almost touching the laptop and is extremely vulnerable to the RF exposure, especially as the womb is mostly fluid which amplifies the signal as microwaves are attracted to water

  • Try to use wired internet, but you will still need to disable the Wi-Fi and bluetooth on your devices

  • When you use your phone, use it in speaker mode and if possible put it down next to you. Tip - if you disable your Wi-Fi, bluetooth and mobile data on your phone you will still be able to take and receive texts and calls without so much exposure to RF. Better still use a corded landline phone

  • Power off cell phones when carrying them near your body

  • It would be ideal if you could disable Wi-Fi on your modem and hardwire your home for internet, I find the highest EMF in peoples homes is usually the Wi-Fi. If not possible the next best option is to turn off the Wi-Fi at night, you may find you even sleep better!

  • Remove screens, electronics and wireless devices from the bedroom.

  • Avoid using an induction hob as these emit very high magnetic fields and your baby will be extremely close to the field

  • Once the baby is born avoid using wireless baby monitors, these emit a large amount of RF. Wired ones are fine as long as there is no Bluetooth or Wi-Fi

  • Also check out the “Tips for reducing exposure” on the previous page