Random EMF

  • Only bacteria and scorpions are not affected by microwaves, everything else on the planet is affected by microwaves.

  • Where true 5G gets installed, some countries and cities are cutting down trees as they interfere with the signal beaming.

  • EHS people seem to be low in vitamins and trace minerals like Vitamin D and Zinc, and this can lead to more neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders.

  • Mercury Amalgam in teeth fillings can amplify EMF symptoms due to acting as an antenna.

  • Brain tumours have a latency of 10 - 20 years.

  • We now live a world in which more people have mobile phones than flush toilets, and that was in 2013! (link)

  • Crazy Wireless devices now available -

    A low-cost “smart” diaper can notify caregiver when it’s wet!!!! https://news.mit.edu/2020/smart-diaper-rfid-notify-caregiver-0214

Children - Cell towers and cell phones emit wireless Radio frequency (RF) waves

Children are significantly more vulnerable to radiofrequency exposure compared to adults. This is due to their thinner skulls, more fluid in the brain, and smaller head sizes which means they absorb a lot more radiofrequency into their heads, and along with the fact that their brains are still developing and growing and these days they are exposed from this radiation starting in the womb! More importantly, even very low RF exposure to children can possibly have serious impacts later in life because their nervous and immune systems are still in development. With increasing radiofrequency and other EMF fields constantly changing in our communities and homes, we should be trying to minimise our families exposure as much as possible, to reduce potential harmful unknown health effects

  • When your phone signal is weak the phone radiates thousands of times more radiation trying to get a signal.

  • Radio frequency travels at the speed of light, which is approximately 7 times around the world in 1 second.

  • Back in 2011 WHO classified Radio frequency as a class 2B carcinogen which means that is a probable carcinogen and in the same league a car exhaust fumes, lead paint, mercury and DDT. Many scientists throughout the world now think it should be reclassified as class 1, meaning a known carcinogen.

  • Manmade radiation is now a million billion times higher than natural levels.

  • Mould exposure can have similar health symptoms as EMF health symptoms, so it is important to sort mould issues out before potential EMF issues.

  • Airpods and Bluetooth Earbuds Emit Wireless Non-ionizing Radiation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlPurjfKq4o&t=33s

EMF while travelling in a car