General EMF avoidance advice


  • Do not carry phones in bras and pockets

  • If you need to carry your phone, purchase a shielding carry case for this purpose. When on a call, put your phone on speaker mode and preferably do not even hold it; better to put it down next to you

  • Sticker discs on phones may not be protecting you., We cannot test their effectiveness with our meters so we have to assume they do not work.

  • Avoid making calls when the signal is weak as this causes cell phones to boost RF transmission

  • If you disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Mobile data on your phone, you are reducing the RF radiation dramatically but can still receive and make calls and texts

  • Using your phone while charging exposes you to more EMF than when it isn’t charging

AirPods and headphones

  • Do not use AirPods or similar as they emit RF and the bluetooth transmits between each ear piece while on the head.

  • The best headphone is an Airtube headset, as the last part consists of just air within the cord.

Laptops and Tablets

  • Do not use a Laptop or Tablet on your lap due to the high Radio frequency, electric fields and magnetic fields.

  • Try to use your laptop on battery rather than while it is charging.

  • Only use wired keyboard and mouse.

  • If you can ‘Hi Five’ your computer screen you are too close to it.

  • Avoid iPads/Tablets with Wi-Fi enabled. Disable the Wi-Fi and use adaptors for use with wired connections. If children watch movies on an iPad/Tablet download the movies first.

  • Hardwire any printers via computer cables.


  • Avoid induction hobs, they have large magnetic fields

  • If using microwaves, leave the room while they are on, they emit a huge amount of radiation

  • Do not stand in front of the dishwasher while it is on

  • Avoid standing in front of the rangehood for long periods if it is on


  • Avoid having your phone in the bedroom when sleeping

  • Use a battery alarm clock rather than a wired one, as this will reduce your electric field exposure

  • Turn off your modem at night if you have Wi-Fi

  • Avoid a bed position where a fridge or air conditioning unit is on the wall behind the bed

  • if building a new house or renovating, make sure there are no power or lighting cables

  • Avoid having a bed close to a switchboard or meterbox

  • If using an electric blanket, unplug it at the wall when getting into bed


  • Only use wired baby monitors, as wireless ones emit a huge amount of radiation

  • If you have an Apple TV, turn it off at the wall when not being used, they emit RF even when not in use

  • Cordless phones are worse the mobile phones and emit radio frequency 24 hours a day

  • Remove all dimmers, as they create dirty electricity

  • If possible disable Wi-Fi and hardwire your home for internet, Wi-Fi is in my opinion is extremely bad for our health - Dr Klinghardt - WiFi Health Risks & Dangers to Health