Advice for your Electrician if renovating or building

  • Induction hobs are very high in magnetic fields and alternatives should be used.

  • Try not to install dimmers as these create dirty electricity, better to have multiple switching circuits for lighting.

  • When buying lights, bear in mind the more yellow the lights the better it is for health, try to get 2,700K (Warm white) or lower. Do not budget cut on lighting, this can be detrimental to health. The best lighting is the old incandescent type.

  • If possible have the mains enter the home as far from living and bedroom areas as possible.

  • Make sure 2 way switching has only the straps going to the second switch and returns the feed to the original switch.

  • Solar creates very high dirty electricity, but if still needed the Solar Inverter should be as far away as possible from living and bedroom areas.

  • Remove fluorescent fittings as they are very bad due to dirty electricity as well as having high magnetic fields from the ballasts.

  • Position Switchboard/ Meter boxes  a long way from bedroom and living areas.

  • Use metal enclosures for switchboards and meter boxes, as this helps reduce electric fields.

  • Better not to install a combined switchboard/meterbox within the home. It is better to install a seperate meterbox on the outside wall and the switchboard inside as then a meter reader can check the power usage when you get the communications chip removed from your smart meter.

  • Switchboard and meter box internal wiring should be bundled as close together as possible, especially Phase and Neutrals to reduce magnetic fields. Position the switchboard and meterbox as far away from the occupants as possible.

  • Inline fans are better if possible as then any EMF fields are further away from occupants.

  • No powerpoints should be within 1.5m from the bed, and no 230 volt wiring should be run behind the wall or in the floor underneath where the bed sits.

  • All cabling should preferably be run in the ceiling as much as possible and then the cables taken down to where needed so as to create distance from the occupants.

  • Try to run cables as far away as possible from where the occupants spend time. This includes the ceiling of the floor downstairs ona a 2 storey home. The ideal is to have no or little wiring under the feet or close to the occupants where they spend time.

  • Hardwire all alarm systems and use only infrared sensors not microwave sensors.

  • Hardwire all data throughout the house, so that the Wi-Fi can be disconnected or turned off at the modem.

  • If the customer wants to isolate their bedroom and modem - Wire the modem power outlet and bedroom power/lights on separate circuits back to the switchboard. Then run a low voltage cable to a switch by the bed so that these circuits can be turned off at night via a contactor.

  • If the customer wants to use Wi-Fi, position the modem as far away as possible from bedrooms and living areas to reduce their exposure to RF from the modem.

  • Underfloor heating is very bad for magnetic fields and also electric fields, if needed programme the timer so it only comes on at night when no one is using the area.

  • Position air conditioning condenser units as far away as possible from bedroom and living areas.

  • Do not use bluetooth switch mechs, or anything else which has bluetooth or Wi-Fi capabilities.

  • For extremely sensitive EHS sufferers, please contact me for more advice.

Cabling and wiring to reduce EMF exposure